Friday, November 27, 2009

Letters To First Time Guest In Church If You Had A Rude Wedding Coordinator At The Church, Would You Write A Letter Of Complaint?

If you had a rude wedding coordinator at the church, would you write a letter of complaint? - letters to first time guest in church

My husband and I had problems marrying a church (we are) non-members. Finally, we have a thought, he married a few weeks ago. We have our own personal wedding planner, but the church did not want to leave him a voice in the coordination, but because we help them in order. Your wedding coordinator was sooo rude. It was a dark, tense and handled our wedding planners will be wasted as useless. In addition, our pastor was so nice and helpful and sweet woman (). So I do not like to write a letter of complaint and the feelings of the pastor or hurt feel as if we were in 2-(since we express our gratitude for his choice of how to get married in spite of his church who are not members) .. . But at the same time, the coordinator of the church outside the line several times, and other people / clients was also identified. That is why I am writing this letter, yes or no? Can it make a difference, or that the church does not matter because we are not members?


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